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TED External Transfer

A TED transfer is very similar to a Pix transfer with bank account details, but it uses a different system and will only be processed on business days until 17:00 BRT time




x-delbank-api-keyRequired. API key
IdempotencyKeyRequired. Request's idempotency key. Provide a GUID, being a new one for each request..


amountnumberRequired. Transfer amount.
descriptionstringDescription about the transfer, internal use only
typeenumRequired. For TED transfer this value should always be External
beneficiaryobjectRequired. Object containing information on the transaction beneficiary
participantIspbstringRequired. ISPB code of the beneficiary client bank account.
branchstringRequired. Beneficiary account branch
numberstringRequired. The account number
typeenumRequired.Beneficiary client bank account type.. Domains:
CURRENT - Current Account
PAYMENT - Payment Account
SAVING - Savings Account
SALARY - Salary Account
holderobjectRequired. Object containing information about the beneficiary account holder
documentstringRequired. Beneficiary account holder CPF or CNPJ
emailstringRequired. Beneficiary account holder e-mail
namestringRequired. Beneficiary account holder full name


The status code 200 will indicate success in the transaction.

Being successful, the return will bring the following fields in JSON format:


🚧 This information will be returned after the transfer creation and transfer query.

"id": "{id}",
"status": "DONE",
"type": "TED",
"amount": 0.01,
"createdAt": "2025-02-10T12:48:20.695Z",
"description": "Test",
"payer": {
"number": "{payer_account_number}",
"branch": "{branch}",
"type": "{type}",
"holder": {
"document": "{document}",
"name": "{name}",
"type": "{type}"
"participant": {
"name": "{bank}",
"ispb": "{ispb}"
"beneficiary": {
"number": "{account_number}",
"branch": "{branch}",
"type": "{type}",
"holder": {
"document": "{document}",
"name": "{name}",
"type": "{type}"
"participant": {
"name": "{bank}",
"ispb": "{ispb}"